The Seine: a major asset for SOLIDEO’s construction sites

View from the Seine

The Parisian river has turned out to be a boon for SOLIDEO, who chose to favour river transport for moving waste linked to the construction work underway for the Athletes’ Village, in the communes of Saint-Denis, L’Île-Saint-Denis and Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine.

On 21 January, SOLIDEO signed a partnership agreement with Haropa-Ports de Paris, VNF (Inland waterways of France) and the Préfecture of the Île-de-France Region to deploy river logistics on both sites of the Athletes’ Village.
A solution that is both clean and respectful of the Ile-de-France inhabitants’ living environment, which is allowing SOLIDEO to implement the ambition to set an example for high environmental standards in the constructions. Therefore, more than 500,000 tonnes of earth will be removed in 48 months by barges on the Seine in order to limit disturbance and also the site’s carbon footprint.

This commitment also participates in the ambition to make these Games an accelerator for ecological transition. This solution will allow materials to be reused, while limiting as much as possible the number of lorries and optimising their routes.

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